Sunday, December 15, 2013

A dozen candidates are lined up for a chance at appointment to the Torrance City Council

A dozen candidates are lined up for a chance at appointment to the Torrance City Council.  This action will be decided at Torrance City Hall on December 17th 2013 by the City Council. Person appointment will be taking over the seat of Cliff Numark.  Councilman Numark stepped down after winning his election for El Camino Trustee Board.

Here is the list of candidates that have successfully qualified for appointment.:

Heidi Ashcraft
Don Clounch
Charles Deemer
Tim Goodrich
Michael Griffiths
Milton Herring
Rahmat Khan
Leilani Kimmel-Dagostino
Aurelio Mattucci
Geoffrey Rizzo
Alex See
John Tabakian

Heidi Ashcraft
Don Clounch
Charles Deemer
Tim Goodrich
Michael Griffiths
Milton Herring
Rahmat Khan
Leilani Kimmel-Dagostino
Aurelio Mattucci
Geoffrey Rizzo
Alex See
John Tabakian

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Congressman Henry Waxman and Congresswoman Maxine Waters with Candidate Aurelio Mattucci

Congressman Henry Waxman and Congresswoman Maxine Waters seen here with Torrance City Council Candidate Aurelio Mattucci.
Aurelio Mattucci made it very clear that he will work with both sides to make sure the publics best interest is at heart.  There is no reason we can't work together in making Torrance a better place to live and do business. Over taxation and regulation have put a crimp on progress and innovation. We must be careful where we spend our money as we can't use the taxpayers as our own personal ATM machine.

Waters Waxman
Left to right Aurelio Mattucci, Congresswoman Maxine Waters and Congressman Henry Waxman

Heidi Ashcraft

Heidi Ashcraft and Aurelio Mattucci are among the many candidates for Torrance City Council in the next Municipal election scheduled for June 3, 2014

See complete list at

Heidi Ashcroft
Heidi Ashcraft and Aurelio Mattucci are among the many candidates for Torrance City Council

Torrance City Council Candidate Aurelio Mattucci

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Torrance Election History

Torrance Election History

Next Municipal election scheduled for June 3, 2014

Candidates include local small business owner and founder of the Mattucci Project, Aurelio Mattucci.

Vote Aurelio Mattucci for Torrance City Council

Torrance City Council Heidi Ashcraft
Torrance City Council